Just a little sneak peek of what we have in store for you next issue!
We interview artists including New York model maker Matthew Albanese who spends months creating landscapes using materials such as faux fur, steel wool, ground parsley, paprika, sugar, and table salt, also photographer Erin Tyner who photographs miniature models in landscapes she has constructed, and Megan Scheminske who paints canvases using Google map reference images.
The issue will also include stories and articles from our talented Blanket contributor team. Writer, Jonathan Hulme, will be giving us some tips on how to take a Roadtrip {as only he can…}, Gwendoline Watsonembraces her fear of the dark and camps out ALONE in the wilderness.
Our brand new Blanket contributors Rebekah and Richard from Bliss in a Teacup {introduced to you last issue with their amazing DIY Tutorial on Linocuts} will be bringing us another fantastic DIY tutorial on how to make your own mobile. Jek is also back from her own roadtrip with a brand new craft tutorial – think Western diorama, and not to be outdone I will also be writing a tutorial on how to create your own miniature landscapes using your very own holiday snaps!
Plus we can’t forget our Blanket Featured Font designer Darim Kim with her font inspired by her dog Cody and our Blanket Cover Artist, Jo Cheung. Her illustration of paddy fields was inspired by where she grew up.
The next issue will be out on October 4th! It’s a good time to become a Blanket Subscriber don’t you think?