Please note I cheated and cleaned my desk - it is never, ever this clean!
So lots of our gorgeous Blanket posters have been purchased and found their way all around the world and I thought it would be interesting just to see where they have ended up and where people have hung them.
I thought I would start it off by showing you where I've put my Blanket poster! Plus you get to see a bit of behind the scenes at Blanket as well. So this is my new office in my apartment in Manchester where I put Blanket together. It's not exactly glamorous but it's homely and has lots of natural light. I think you will agree my Blanket poster brightens the place up a bit - and it puts a smile on my face and inspires me everyday!
I actually just printed and put up my A2 Blanket 2009 Wall Planner I designed the other day next to the poster and was surprised how small A2 looked besides the poster! I guess it is a GIANT patchwork poster!
I would love to see other peoples so please email me a photo!
Email me at: editor (at) blanketmagazine.com
And if you would like to join in the fun you can get a copy of the Blanket poster at the Blanket online store.

That's right! There's only a few spots left in the next issue (due out on February 1st!) and I want to fill them...
So if you would like to take up this super fantastic offer then email me back right away!
spendmoney (at) blanketmagazine.com
Classified Ad specifications :
53mm (w) x 66mm (h) @ 300dpi RGB, JPEG or PDF
Name Files: firstname_lastname.jpg

I just had to share this with you...
The other day I was walking along the canals in my new city of Manchester and I came across a stuffed Polar Bear floating down the canal.
He looked a little worse for wear - missing an arm, terribly dirty and of course floating down the canal and I wondered what life this little bear had lead. And why was he thrown into the canal? Was it because he was broken? Or had his owner just outgrown him?
I couldn't help but feel that his expression said it all
"I'm free!"
Good luck with your journey little bear!
~ Bec

3 consecutive Blanket Classified ads for just $75!
Blanket relies heavily on advertising to keep us going - without it we can't afford to keep the magazine free for everyone to enjoy.
I understand that we are all finding it tough with the credit crunch... so with that in mind Blanket is offering 3 consecutive ads in Blanket (that's 6 months worth of advertising!) at a reduced rate of $75! The deadline is fast approaching - January 20th - so all you need to do is send us your artwork!
So if you are interested (or know of anyone who you think might benefit from exposure to thousands of creative individuals) let them know!
If you would like more info or our fancy Blanket Media Kit contact me at: spendmoney@blanketmagazine.com
~ Bec

Every year I make them and break them! But I have a feeling 2009 is going to be my year! So here's a list of what I have decided to accomplish in 2009!
Read a book once a month
I spend so much time on the internet I feel like I am constantly reading something - but there's nothing like getting a book from the library. I love that musty book smell and that used feeling from all those people who have read it before you. Maybe a tiny mark or a dog eared page - or even sometimes underlined passages from someone who was inspired by a sentence. I have found and printed out a list of '50 books to read before you die' and I've just received my new library card in the mail so I am going to slowly tick my way through them!
Practice Yoga
Not only does sitting on a computer all day give me very bad posture but I am hoping to win the fight against my genes. My great aunt is 82 and has a hump and I'm hoping it's not something I will inherit. I have made this resolution every year for the past 5 years but this time I bought a yoga mat and everything!
Go to Life Drawing Classes
I have a constant steam of inspiring artwork being sent to my inbox everyday and to tell you the truth it's a little daunting. There's some talented people out there and I haven't picked up a pencil for a long time - in fact I was never really very good at drawing. I did want to be the next Leonardo da Vinci when I was growing up but I learned very quickly that this was not a very realistic prospect for me. Which is why I took up photography instead - no drawing involved. But I'm determined to give it a go this year.
Keep Blanket Going
It's a struggle sometimes I have to be honest but I'm hoping that 2009 is going to be Blanket's year! I'm working on the theory that if you envision big things then big things will come!
Anyone else got some New Years resolutions to inspire us? Please post a comment.
~ Bec

Not only do I love magazines but I love when talented people come together and collaborate on projects. And while we have all been enjoying a well deserved rest over the Christmas period two busy ladies Jessica Goldfond, from The Shiny Squirrel, and Erin Loechner from the fabulous blog, Design for Mankind, have been working together to bring us some wonderful publications for us to gobble up!
Firstly, Truant Magazine, is an insight into travel destinations around the world - and what to do and where to go when you get there. With this issue including places such as Dublin, New York, Paris and Los Angeles amongst others there is sure to be a destination to inspire you!
And secondly, fresh off the press - or should I say web - the new Mankind Mag! With already 6 issues under her belt Erin has been working hard behind the scenes on a new re-brand of the magazine. I can't wait to devour every page!
~ Bec